Why We Need To Be Realistic
Wake up, America, or you won’t be successful, as part of your quest to achieve, changes for that better! Whether, it relates to local, regional, national or international issues, unless/ until we begin looking at the bigger – picture, without wearing rose – colored, glasses, we will never upgrade on the same – old, same – old, ways! We must demand political leaders proceed, with pragmatic idealism, nothing, of consequence, will occur! With that in mind, this information will attempt to contemplate, review, examine, and briefly, discuss, how this relates, regarding, local, regional, state, national and international issues during the day, and challenges.
- Local: How often maybe you have witnessed, local residents, seek, unrealistic, pie – in – the – sky, solutions, perhaps, with the expense of the top, realistic, pragmatic approach? For example, although communities have empty storefronts, and also other challenges? Instead of researching ways to make changes, productively, many look for the past! The world evolves, and simply, if we do so, wisely, can we preserve the cabability to adapt, and survive, vibrantly! Too many perceive their wish – lists, as reality! Instead of refusing any possibilities, perhaps it would be wiser, to contemplate ways, to compromise, seeking a conference of the minds, to the common good? Demand modifications and solutions to reach agreement, rather than, refusing to proceed having a positive, can – do, attitude, with an open -mind, for your greater good! Unless / until, communities ensure economic viability, inside a sane way, we’ll be unsuccessful, etc!
- Regional: Wouldn’t It be the better choice, to handle the most relevant issues, proactively, including infrastructure, sustainable jobs, meaningful medical, issues of safety, and dealing together, for your greater good? Only when regions, come together, in a very realistic, quality way, can we all benefit!
- State: What are States Rights, and why is it that they matter? How many more must die before we use some sound judgment and consider, sane, gun control and safety? We register cars, and license cars, so, you should, guns etc, inside a way, which protects everyone, from those, unfit, to hold guns?
- National: We must address how, elections and voting, happens! Is the Electoral College, still relevant or fair? Why do we let the filibuster to master the Senate? Can we afford to delay?
- International: While national leaders must protect their countries, unless / until, nations band together on issues for instance Climate Change and environmental protection, the earth is at – risk!
We must become better and wiser! The must occur, sooner, as an alternative to later!